Deuterman, Michele

MMD Consulting

(336) 707-0310

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With more than 25 years of coaching, consulting, human resources and operational experience in consumer packaged goods, foodservice, manufacturing/distribution, and tech industries, Michele is known for helping individuals and organizations maximize impact. She has been a key leader in both merger and acquisition related initiatives and cultural transformation, excelling in developing and executing human resources strategy and programs that drive business results. She has significant global experience as a member of global leadership teams, has been responsible for global transformation projects, has led international HR teams, and has coached individuals across the globe. As such, she has a keen understanding of cross- cultural nuance in maximizing organizational and individual performance.

Michele is an ICF and BCC certified Coach and has significant experience coaching executives to lead through organizational transformation. She also coaches individuals at all levels to unlock their own potential to grow.


Hogan, Eileen


Roberts, Dr. Harrell